Listen nepali radios on your Iphone.
If you want to listen nepali radios for free on your Iphone, then just download Fstreams from Appstore. Once you download it go to "Favorites" of Fstream; press "Edit" and then select "Add new webradio". On url bar you have to type server urls.
Machhapuchre FM, on your url bar type: "mms://"
BFBS Gurkha Radio: "mms://"
Nepali Collections: ""
Radio Lumbini: ""
If you want to listen to all the nepali radios on the web then you have to download "Wunder Radio" (Winner of Mac World's Best Radio App in 2008).
Just download WunderRadio from Appstore which will only cost you 5.99$. After you download it, go to "Browse" and then type "Nepal". It will currently show Kantipur FM, Hits FM, Lumbini FM, BFBS Gurkha, Classic FM and Maitri Radio. Thats it!
You can add more radios by simply typing more urls on the search bar and save it to favorites!
1.Kantipur FM: "" (already available in Wunder)
2.Ujyaalo FM: "mms://"
3.Sagarmatha FM: "mms://"
4.Nepal FM: "mms://"
5.BBC Nepali: ""
6.Radio-Audio: "mms://" (nepal's first comedy radio)
7.Machhapuchre FM, on your url bar type: "mms://"
8.BFBS Gurkha Radio: "mms://"
9.Nepali Collections: ""
10.Radio Lumbini: ""
11. Classic FM: "rtsp://
12. Maitri FM: "rtsp://
13. Hits FM : "rtsp://
14. Nepaliko Radio 88.8 MHz : ""
15. Radio Nepal: mms://
16. Listen Image FM 97.9 : It works the same way as Radio Nepal. Go to web browser of Wunder Radio and then type "", Image FM will start playing. Save it to favorites so that you don't have to type the url over and over..
Now we have at least 15 radios to listen on our Iphone and i'm loving it!
I'll keep on posting new urls as soon as I discover them!
If you have any comments or if you find any new urls please feel free to share it!
Select the radio you want to listen.
Enjoy Nepali Radios live on your Iphone!
If you want to watch Sagarmatha TV live on your Iphone then download "Moss: Mobile Live Stream" from app store (It is a free app). Once you download it go to the favorites, then press the "+" sign on top right to add a stream. Type Sagarmatha TV or any name as you wish in the stream name. Then on the url you need to type: "mms://" Once you are done; go to favorites again and click on the link you just added. Voila! Sagarmatha TV will stream live on your Iphone! Please feel free to share other urls as you find them!
Now you can also watch Nepal TV live on your Iphone. Just download the SkyFire web browser from Apple App Store. Once you download it open the skyfire and type the url "". Once the site is open click on the link to open NTV.
Thank you all!
If you want to listen nepali radios for free on your Iphone, then just download Fstreams from Appstore. Once you download it go to "Favorites" of Fstream; press "Edit" and then select "Add new webradio". On url bar you have to type server urls.
Machhapuchre FM, on your url bar type: "mms://"
BFBS Gurkha Radio: "mms://"
Nepali Collections: ""
Radio Lumbini: ""
If you want to listen to all the nepali radios on the web then you have to download "Wunder Radio" (Winner of Mac World's Best Radio App in 2008).
Just download WunderRadio from Appstore which will only cost you 5.99$. After you download it, go to "Browse" and then type "Nepal". It will currently show Kantipur FM, Hits FM, Lumbini FM, BFBS Gurkha, Classic FM and Maitri Radio. Thats it!
You can add more radios by simply typing more urls on the search bar and save it to favorites!
1.Kantipur FM: "" (already available in Wunder)
2.Ujyaalo FM: "mms://"
3.Sagarmatha FM: "mms://"
4.Nepal FM: "mms://"
5.BBC Nepali: ""
6.Radio-Audio: "mms://" (nepal's first comedy radio)
7.Machhapuchre FM, on your url bar type: "mms://"
8.BFBS Gurkha Radio: "mms://"
9.Nepali Collections: ""
10.Radio Lumbini: ""
11. Classic FM: "rtsp://
12. Maitri FM: "rtsp://
13. Hits FM : "rtsp://
14. Nepaliko Radio 88.8 MHz : ""
15. Radio Nepal: mms://
16. Listen Image FM 97.9 : It works the same way as Radio Nepal. Go to web browser of Wunder Radio and then type "", Image FM will start playing. Save it to favorites so that you don't have to type the url over and over..
Now we have at least 15 radios to listen on our Iphone and i'm loving it!
I'll keep on posting new urls as soon as I discover them!
If you have any comments or if you find any new urls please feel free to share it!
Select the radio you want to listen.
Enjoy Nepali Radios live on your Iphone!
If you want to watch Sagarmatha TV live on your Iphone then download "Moss: Mobile Live Stream" from app store (It is a free app). Once you download it go to the favorites, then press the "+" sign on top right to add a stream. Type Sagarmatha TV or any name as you wish in the stream name. Then on the url you need to type: "mms://" Once you are done; go to favorites again and click on the link you just added. Voila! Sagarmatha TV will stream live on your Iphone! Please feel free to share other urls as you find them!
Now you can also watch Nepal TV live on your Iphone. Just download the SkyFire web browser from Apple App Store. Once you download it open the skyfire and type the url "". Once the site is open click on the link to open NTV.
Thank you all!